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With the support of the “Boumbouras Foundation”, a grand concert of the National opera of Ukraine will be held in Athens

Continuing the mission of strengthening of friendship between Ukraine and Greece, a grand concert will be held on 4th of December, in Pallas Theatre, Athens, will be held with the support of Pantelis Boumbouras. In the concert will take part a Symphonic orchestra and the leading soloists of the National Opera of Ukraine.

The evening program will feature such works of Mikis Thodorakis as a song-cycle “Archipelago”, Cretan concert for piano and orchestra and excerpts from the Ballet “Zorbas”.

In front of the audience will perform world-class stars:

Mery Linda – vocal, the first performer of song-cycle “Archipelagos”
Tatiana Papageorgiou – piano, artistic director
Symphonic orchestra of National Opera of Ukraine
Children and mixed choir of Conservatory Kodaly
As well as the leading ballet soloists of the National opera of Ukraine.

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with disabilities, all funds collected from the ticket sale will be handed over to the All-Greece Association of Disabled Persons.