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More than 500 children took part in a running marathon in the center of Odessa

The marathon took place on June 10th, on Deribasovskaya street in the framework of the project "Weeks of Good Deeds". The sports event was attended by more than 500 children aged from 3 to 14 years old.
The inspirer and organizer of the event is the head of the Athletic Project "Sport Socium", Vitaly Gilevich.
The purpose of the event is to promote the love for sports for the younger generation and to show the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.
"We supported with great pleasure the children's sports marathon. Education, upbringing and the health of young people is the most important thing to invest resources in. Today we are doing exactly this, "said the President of the construction company "Gefest" and head of the Foundation, Pantelis Boumbouras.