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May 5, 2017 in the Odessa City Hall has held a meeting between Odessa Mayor Mr. Genadiy Trukhanov, the representative of the European Commission Mr. Georgios Kremlis who oversees the environmental industry and entrepreneur Mr. Murgos Panagiotis. The parties discussed the possibility of attracting grant money for infrastructure projects that will significantly improve the environmental situation in the city and in particular the idea of creating a park of environmental education in Odessa as well as the effective waste management.
“The environmental matters have no limits. We must unite our efforts for to fight negative changes in nature” – stressed Mr. Georgios Kremlis.
“We set a goal to complete the first phase of the project this autumn. The creation of an eco-park aims primarily at the strengthening of the environmental education of Odessa citizens. Today was held the first round of negotiations during which we discussed the stages and the sites of the project. For the creation of the ecological park facilities we plan to use our existing parks and the Road of Health”, - said Mr. Genadiy Trukhanov and added that in march of this year he had an opportunity to visit the Ecopark in Athens personally and make sure of its effectiveness.

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