Today, Vice-President of the Boumburs Foundation Spyros Boubouras, in recognition of the arrival of children from the NGO "Especial Youth Foundation".
Children with peculiarities showed the theatrical performance “Budinok, which was awakened by especially young people” after the motives of the English folk verse-kazka “Budinok, which awakened Jack”.
The program also showed the success of young people in robots in the social project of fathers “Canisterrapy in children, as a method of social rehabilitation” and the results of children in neurogymnastics with elements of tatting.
As soon as they entered, the children delighted all the guests by performing a Greek dance.
Spyridon Boumbouras, having presented the Public Organization “Especial Youth”, puzzles and pictures for painting numbers, which help to develop fine motor skills in children, train the mentally figurative mind and memory. In addition, these pictures will be a miraculous embellishment of their rooms and aesthetic satisfaction.
“The support of grown-ups plays a great role in the life and development of the specialty of the skin child. If the children notice what they value, chirp widely with their hoardings, the stench becomes more powerful, stronger and more ambitious,” the vice-president of the Foundation said.