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The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine awarded Pantelis Boumbouras with an Honorary Award “Varta Podvigu” (Feat Guardian)

Варта подвигуFor the repeated financial support to military hospitals in Kiev, Mariupol, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk and Odessa in the form of medical preparations and equipment, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine awarded the President of the CO “Boumbouras Foundation” Mr. Pantelis Boumbouras with the Honorary Award “Varta Podvigu” (Feat Guardian).

The award ceremony was held in the National Military Medical Center “Main Military Clinical Hospital” with the participation of Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Igor Pavlovsky.

“The assistance provided by Mr. Boumbouras is very important for us, for the Ukrainian army and for the whole Ukrainian State, – noted Alexandr Lashin, Deputy Chief of the Main Military Clinical Hospital. – It includes medical preparations and equipment not only for our hospital, but for other medical centers we cooperate with.”

According to the head of the hospital, here around 32 000 soldiers from the ATO zone, military personnel and veterans are undergoing treatment at the same time and up to 15000 operations are conducted per year, 60% of which are complicated. All of it requires a huge amount of medical preparations and equipment while the State support remains extremely low and insufficient. The only hope for physicians and patients is the help of philanthropists.

In the spring 2017 the administration of the National Military Medical Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine noted the contribution of Pantelis Boumbouras and added him to the list of the greatest benefactors among the Greeks who helped their institution for the whole history of its existence. In the hospital’s museum there is a memorial plaque depicting three Greeks, one of whom is “the father of medicine” Hippocrates.

On the memorial plaque there is a name of one more great Greek doctor – Pangiotis Kondoidi (1710-1760) – a native of Corfu island who founded the Kiev Central Military Hospital. Apart from these two great Greek doctors is depicted Pantelis Boumbouras for his essential assistance in the form of medical preparations and equipment.

Since the beginning of the military conflict in the east of Ukraine, the Greek entrepreneur and philanthropist Pantelis Boumbouras constantly provides assistance to medical institutions where treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers are carried out. According to Mr. Boumbouras, “An Ukrainian is not the one who has the Ukrainian Passport but the one who gives his body and soul to the country.” In the nearest month Pantelis Boumbouras plans to provide the hospitals with another batch of medicines and equipment, worth 20 000 euro.