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Ukrainian business is interested in the security of the national borders.

This opinion was expressed by Vasilis Boubouras, Vice President of the Boubouras Foundation, Executive Director of the Gefest construction company, at the International Conference “Odessa Debates: Unification of Ukraine, the Black Sea Region and Transatlantic Partners”.

“Our family has been living and working in Ukraine for almost 25 years. In fact, this country has become our second home. We are not indifferent to her fate. And we consider it our duty to reciprocate the country that is the basis for the development of our business. Therefore, we took an active part in organizing such an important conference. Special thanks in this regard to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin.
Since the topic of security is extremely important for Ukraine and the Black Sea region in particular.
Investments are replaced there, where is possible to work and earn quiet and comfortable. Ukrainian business is interested in this issue. I believe that discussing the topic of security with the participation of such high-ranking conference guests as George Kent and Peter Wagner will be constructive for the joint development of a regional strategy,” added Vasilis Boubouras.

The conference was attended by about 200 guests. Among them are diplomats and ministers from Belgium, USA, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Moldova, Poland.

The general sponsor are the Boubouras Foundation and Gefest Company with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German Marshall Fund.