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Pantelis Boumbouras supported Mariupol schoolchildren at the Olympiad in Greek language.

The President of the charity organization “Boumbouras Foundation”, philanthropist Pantelis Boumbouras covered transportation expenses for the participants of the 5th International Olympiad in Greek language and Culture in Bucharest (Romania).

The participants are 5 schoolchildren from Mariupol who study modern Greek language. The Olympiad takes place in the Romanian capital from September 5 to 9, 2018. They will be accompanied by their teacher.

“The best Mariupol schoolchildren, who seriously study the modern Greek language, went to the International Olympiad. This is an important event and, of course, it will bear fruit in the future,” - said Pantelis Boumbouras.

It should be noted that the 5th International Olympiad in the Greek Language and Culture in Bucharest is a part of the official program of school contests of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of Romania.

The organization and holding of the International Olympiad in Greek Language is financed jointly by the Ministry of Education of Romania and the Association of Greeks of Romania.

The competition involves schoolchildren from Romania and students of public and private educational institutions from countries where there are Greek communities or schools in which modern Greek language and culture are studied. From each country no more than five schoolchildren can participate.