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The Boumbouras Foundation has become the general partner of the traditional Greek-Ukrainian culture festival Panair

The Boumbouras Foundation has become the general partner of the traditional Greek-Ukrainian culture festival Panair, which will be held in Kyiv on May 25.

The traditional holiday "Panair" was annually celebrated in Greek villages in Ukraine. However, due to the occupation of some of our cities, Ukrainian Greeks were forced to defend our country or leave their homes. This Saturday, Greeks from all over Ukraine will gather at Polyana VDNH to celebrate this holiday according to ancient traditions and introduce the guests to the culture of the Azov Greeks.

The event is aimed at raising funds for the needs of children of soldiers who are missing, captured or killed. All the money raised will be transferred to the Ukraine Renaissance Strategy Foundation.

You will be welcome:

Performances by more than 20 artists and ethnic Greek groups

A gastronomic fair with traditional Azov and Greek dishes, including gyros, souvlaki, chebureks, shurpa, shumush and many other authentic delicacies

The Kuresh wrestling zone, a famous monument of Greek sports culture

Ethno-lecture hall

An open-air cinema

Free children's area.

We invite all Kyiv residents and guests to join the charitable cause and visit the first Panair charity event in Kyiv.

Date: 25.05

Time: 12:00 - 22:00

Location: Polyana at VDNKh (1 Akademika Glushkova St.)

Entrance is FREE!