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Category Archives: TARGETED AID

Boumbouras Foundation was the main sponsor of the 6th annual conference of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association – AHEPA Europe Region 28, (June 23-25, 2023).

The conference was organized by AHEPA chapters in London under the leadership of AHEPA Europe Secretary Mr. Ioannis Amutzas and was held in the center of the UK capital at the London School of Economics with the participation of AHEPA Europe Governor Mr. Dimostens Mammonas from the Brussels chapter, a number of AHEPA officials and…
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Children’s Day with the support of Pantelis Boumpouras

With the support of the Chairman of the Boumbouras Foundation, the President of the construction company "GEFEST" and the Honorary Citizen of Odesa, a holiday for children deprived of parental care was held in the "Sonechko" in Odesa.On International Children's Day, the children of the orphanage were entertained by fairy-tale heroes who prepared interesting contests,…
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Our foundation actively helps the defenders of Ukraine, because we believe that joint efforts ensure order and security in our cities.This time, they supported the activities of the special police unit and purchased active tactical headphones and walkie-talkies. Equipment that will allow them to be more efficient when performing tasks.I am grateful to all law…
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Фото з виступу ансамблю грецьких традиційних танців на святі — День Незалежності Греції, яке відбулося 25 березня 2023 року у м. Одеса. Захід організовано Благодійною Організацією "Фонд Бумбураса".
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With the assistance of the Honorary Consul of Greece in Kherson Pantelis Boumbouras, 10 electric generators were handed over to the Kherson regional communal emergency and rescue service for the performance of tasks and measures aimed at civil protection and ensuring the livelihood of the population of the Kherson region, which suffered as a result…
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The Charitable Organization “Boumbouras Foundation” paid for the transportation of the generators.

"Boumbouras Foundation" under the leadership of the Foundation's Head Pantelis Boumpouras continues to help the cities of Ukraine that suffer the most from the hostilities.6 large generators for hospitals, 90 generators for small buildings, as well as for heating were delivered from the Netherlands to Kharkiv.“Carrying and crossing all customs points, checkpoints across the country,…
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At the request of the Regional State Administration of Kherson to the Honorary Consul of the Hellenic Republic in the city of Kherson, Panteleimon Boumbouras, financed the transportation of a generator, furniture and medicines from the city of Uzhgorod to the city of Kherson.
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With the support of the Head of the Boumbouras Foundation, Greek dance lessons have been held free for 1.5 years in Odessa. During this time, 3 dance groups from 16 to 70 years old have been formed. In total, 50 people  in the dance group under the supervision of the artistic director
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Pantelis Boumbouras provided assistance to the military. We handed over to our guys on the front line: sleeping bags, 30 tourniquets to stop bleeding, autoclave for sterilizing instruments and warm clothing, to the Kherson direction -financial assistance was transferred for the purchase of a pickup truck for the military "Ukrainian heroes are making history, defending…
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